Bug in Property Rule's functionality of automatically referencing to a class instance [cannot access properties under Single Page properties ]
For the Property Rule, we are using the Data Access functionality of automatically referencing to a class instance (e.g. "X").
We can successfully reference all properties directly under the class instance "X". However we cannot access the properties under properties of type Single Page.
In our Case, the property "PegaCaseID" is automatically referencing the class MX-FW-CSFW-Work-Case.
Under the the referenced class we have a property "Data" of type Single Page of class MX-FW-CSFW-Data-Case.
From the property "PegaCaseID" we cannot access the properties under the Single Page (e.g. .PegaCaseID.Data.Contact). We are getting the below error:
For the Property Rule, we are using the Data Access functionality of automatically referencing to a class instance (e.g. "X").
We can successfully reference all properties directly under the class instance "X". However we cannot access the properties under properties of type Single Page.
In our Case, the property "PegaCaseID" is automatically referencing the class MX-FW-CSFW-Work-Case.
Under the the referenced class we have a property "Data" of type Single Page of class MX-FW-CSFW-Data-Case.
From the property "PegaCaseID" we cannot access the properties under the Single Page (e.g. .PegaCaseID.Data.Contact). We are getting the below error:
Is that a bug in Pega; should we open an SR for it ?
Thank you,
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