Report after Class Join not displaying properties found under Single Page property
I hope you can help me with this issue.
My objective is to output all the properties inside my class in the Report.
I have created an Association under a class called ACCOUNT to display the properties under class called CONTRACT where the:
ACCOUNT.pzinskey = CONTRACT.accountId
Under the Report for ACCOUNT, the above Association generates only the properties that are of type 'Single Value' but not the property of type 'Single Page' that reads from another class called CONTRACTUSERS (and the 'Single Value' properties under that class).
Note that the CONTRACT report (where there are no Class Joins) does generates the properties of CONTRACTUSERS class under CONTRACT.
How can I output the CONTRACTUSERS class' propeties in the ACCOUNT report ??
Thank you in advance for your help, it is much appreciated :)
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Category