
Last activity: 3 May 2017 14:44 EDT
Is the BUG as described in the SA-8296 fixed in Pega 718 ?
We are observing the same issue in our prod environment but unable to replicate it in lower environment.
SA article link :-
Should I raise an SR to get this fix ported or is it already existent in 718 ?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The HFix-21087 was provided on 6.2SP2 for this behaviour
"submitting a flow action that closes the work object when there is no assignment to perform, users see note data persist on the clipboard for that work object's thread. Subsequent work objects opened into that thread will have that note data saved into their notes." The note in one Wo persists on another, without even being committed.
The RemoveThead activity usage has been almost reduced in latest versions, but you might still see the usage of this activity if you are running older portal on latest platform versions.
I think the behaviour is changed and combined into a single activity DoClose which clears clipboard pages, removing locks, removing thread etc..
You can look into Work- DoClose activity on 7.1.8 if required.
Updated: 6 May 2016 5:27 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Nishan,
How are you?
From the bug notes, I can see that there was no action taken on this item stating that the functionality and architecture for cleaning threads on tab close has changed in latest versions and no longer replicable.
Maybe you can raise an SR to troubleshoot this on 7.1.8 and we can reach out to SME's if there is a product issue.

Hey Harish,
I am doing well. Hoping you are doing great too !
Thanks for the quick response
So, any thoughts on why the hotfix was provided ?
Also, similar issue is reported on this SA article too.
Since the issue is very sporadic in nature, I didnt think it appropriate to come to GCS before we have any concrete leads.
Also, just one additional query :-
Does the thread cleanup work the same way in 7.x as the same wayin 6,x ? has things changed ? in 6.x there was an activity that used to do this by the name "RemoveThead".
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The HFix-21087 was provided on 6.2SP2 for this behaviour
"submitting a flow action that closes the work object when there is no assignment to perform, users see note data persist on the clipboard for that work object's thread. Subsequent work objects opened into that thread will have that note data saved into their notes." The note in one Wo persists on another, without even being committed.
The RemoveThead activity usage has been almost reduced in latest versions, but you might still see the usage of this activity if you are running older portal on latest platform versions.
I think the behaviour is changed and combined into a single activity DoClose which clears clipboard pages, removing locks, removing thread etc..
You can look into Work- DoClose activity on 7.1.8 if required.

Wow, awesome explanation Harish !
I think all my doubts are cleared now.
The issue at my end is the same .... and i was just able to reproduce it too. Data is shared across work objects when the same thread is allocated for a different work object.
Shall I open an SR for this ?

hey Nisha, yes... raise a SR.
Updated: 24 May 2016 6:43 EDT

Thanks Rajeev for your expert guidance !!

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nishan!
Please comment with the SR number when you raise it so we can link this thread with the SR to help with troubleshooting.

Thanks for updating that here Nishan!
I've tagged the same to your post above under Related Work present on the right pane above!

Pegasystems Inc.
SR-A66998 (for Pega 7.1.8) cites SA-19237, as one of the Pega 7.1.8 Support Articles documenting this problem and its resolution.