
Zensar Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 31 Mar 2024 10:10 EDT
Best Practice/Approach to Perform CRUD Operation In Grid/Table
Can someone suggest best practice to perform CRUD operation in Table.
Scenario:- We have to display all the records from Work-CaseType table to Table/Grid.
1) When user click on edit icon which is available in each row, record of that row can be edited/updated by user.
2) When user click on delete icon which is available in each row Workobject get deleted from Work table.
3) At the top we want one button so that user can click on that button to create workobject.
a) What source we should use for table in above scenario ?
b) How many actions we can have in grid/table so that it will not impact performance.
Thanks In Advance.
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2024 4:50 EDT

Bits in Glass
1. Create en editable dpage sourced with RD on work class and source that to grid. When user clicks on edit icon, display a local action (flow action pop up), with the case details (not all only important data), on submit update the data to the case.
2. Keep a delete icon on each row, on delete icon display a pop up asking do you want to delete. If submit, obj-delete-by-handle. Each row will pzinskeys in the context (from report definition), use that to do obj-delete-by-handle.
3. On click of button, bring a pop up, get required data on the pop up screen, on submit->create case.

1. Create a Temppage to capture the details and on post grid action run the activity to create workobject. You can use saveble data page in the activity to run it fast.
2. For the Delete action change stage and push the case to the resolved stage.

Zensar Technologies Ltd

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Hi Anoop 😊, If possible can you provide some inputs on this, Thanks In Advance.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2024 4:50 EDT

Bits in Glass
1. Create en editable dpage sourced with RD on work class and source that to grid. When user clicks on edit icon, display a local action (flow action pop up), with the case details (not all only important data), on submit update the data to the case.
2. Keep a delete icon on each row, on delete icon display a pop up asking do you want to delete. If submit, obj-delete-by-handle. Each row will pzinskeys in the context (from report definition), use that to do obj-delete-by-handle.
3. On click of button, bring a pop up, get required data on the pop up screen, on submit->create case.

Zensar Technologies Ltd
Thank you so much for response. Just few things want to confirm,
1) In Editable DataPage source = Report Definition we will also include .pzInsKey in column source right ? 2) In "top we want one button so that user can click on that button to create workobject." in this we will directly call activity on click of button. And inside that activity we will set our properties according to requirement use svcAddWorkObject , Call Save, commit done. 3) For edit icon and delete icon we will pass that particular row .pzInskey to open and update the records and save, and for deleting directly use Obj-Delete-By-Handle and commit right ?

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 correct 👍

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Thank you so much Anoop for helping and giving your time 😊

@AbhishekC1725 Just want to add more points when you are deleting delete the Assignment also, as if you only pass the Workobject pzinskey then the item is only deleted from the work table however its assignment created in Assign-Workbasket/worklist will not be deleted, So make sure you delete them too