Backward chaining question
I am doing to very simple exercise for backward chaining and then tryin to the tracer.
here is my example
> total 4 screens,
> screen 1 , 2, 3 has policy effective date, policy term as editable field.
> on screen 4, Policy expiry date , readonly
> a declare expression with option selected "Whenever used" under Change Tracking
created to calculate Policy expiry date = policy effective date+ policy term
I execute the flow and enter data in policy effective date and policy term in each screen 1, 2,3.
On last screen (screen 4) the Policy expiry date is showing as expected.
However here is my observation, when I see tracer, it looks like as if Backward chaining is getting calculated 8 times.
I am using 8.1 Personal Edition.
screenshot attached
Can someone please check and share some thoughts?
Thanks in Advance
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