
Last activity: 20 May 2016 23:36 EDT
Application Explorer Not Displaying all classes
The Application Explorer is not displaying all the classes based on Patter Inheritance.
Lets Say A-B is the parent class.
In App explorer i can see the child A-B-C under the parent. But i cant see A-B-D though the class definition is similar.
When i debugged, the Report definition pzClassListForShowAll is returning only A-B-C and not A-B-D when filter by application context is checked.
When i uncheck Filter by application context, i can see the RD returning both the child classes.
How class definition will be mapped to application context?
Since this is upgrade project, we have not changed any class definition as such.
Santhosh S
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - added category
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Filter by application context makes sure that the rules returned by the report definition are part of the ruleset and ruleset versions that comprise this application. If A-B-D is class in a ruleset which is not part of the current user's application, then the report would not retrieve this class in its results.

Hi Rajiv,
Thanks for the response. But both the classes are mapped to rulesets that are part of the application.
In Spite of that the report is not returning the A-B-D class.
Is there any other mapping between Application and Class exist?
Santhosh S

Can you run the query outside of the platform and see if you are getting the results?
The query should be getting the list of rulesets from the pr_sys_app_ruleset_index table. You might to check to see that for your application hash, it has the right set of rulesets.

Hi Rajiv,
I have verified in the pr_sys_app_ruleset_index table as to if all the rulesets are mapped to the application hash.
Do you want me join this table along with the Report Definition criteria?
Santhosh S

Yes, try the entire query and see if we are getting the right classes back outside of PRPC.

Hi Rajiv,
Can you please let me know how instances are inserted into this pr_sys_app_ruleset_index table
Also for joining the RD with the above table, i dont see any common application version specific columns that are exposed.
Santhosh S

pr_sys_app_hierarchy_flat table should have the application information to join against. The pr_sys_app_ruleset_index table has the relevant ruleset and versions which can used to join with the ruleset and version of the rules being filtered.
Entries in the pr_sys_app_ruleset_index table are inserted by the Pega platform engine code when the application is created / modified with the rulesets and ruleset versions including the built-on application.

Make sure there are no maxlimits being applied to the db queries, and make sure lookuplist cache isn't causing confusion. Does your SMA have a way to clear lookup cache?
The reason maxlimits can sometimes be an issue is if you have a huge number of ruleset versions so that the relevant ones sometimes aren't included in the db query results because of the maxlimit. /Eric

By tracing the Report Definition, i can see for the Application hash which is passed as a parameter to query as prepared values, not all the rulesets are mapped.
To resolve this, should we truncate this table and restart the server once again or is there any other work around is there?

When you say "not all rulesets are mapped", do you mean a db query is supposed to return a list of rulesets and is missing some? Why is it missing some? is it due to a maxlimit being enforced? /Eric