Last activity: 18 Feb 2020 9:42 EST
API SOAP in Pega
Hi all,
I am trying to create automation using the SOAP API and I have a problem referring to the "SaveDocument" method - I don't know how to refer to the "Components" parameter. I enclose two screenshots: one presents part of the method and the other shows the automation in PEGA.
This is what I am trying to do:
1. create a Global Container and place ServiceClient in it
2. put the WSDL address in the ServiceClient
3. create an automation in which I want to call the GetBarcodeForDoc and SaveDocument methods. The GetBarcodeForDoc method returns a barcode number - it works. However, in the SaveDocument method, we cannot add ComponentType and PropertyType to the DocumentType property.
Do you have any hints how to add this component?
Should we additionally call Components and Properties somehow? If so, how? What is worth to add is that the Components can have several ComponentTypes in it. Should I add somewhere this information?