AgileStudio_731_schema.sql Collumn "p1" does not exist
When running AgileStudio_731_schema.sql, we get the following message:
2018-04-11 16:28:23,313 [ Proprietary information hidden-7080-exec-4] [TABTHREAD1] [ ] [ PegaRULES:07.10] (dbms.JdbcConnectionManagerImpl) ERROR|1 Proprietary information hidden [email protected] - Not returning connection 5 for database "pegarules" to the pool as it previously encountered the following error
User ID: [email protected]
Last SQL: SELECT "pxinsname" AS "pxInsName" , "pylabel" AS "pyLabel" , "pyruleset" AS "pyRuleSet" , "pyrulesetversion" AS "pyRuleSetVersion" , "pxupdatedatetime" AS "pxUpdateDateTime", "pzinskey" as "pxInsHandle" FROM rules.pr4_rule_application WHERE "pxobjclass" = ? AND ( ( "pyproductname" = ? ) AND ( "pyproductversion" = ? ) ) AND pyProductName = ? AND pyProductVersion = ? AND p1 = ?
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "p1" does not exist
Anyone with a bright idea what's wrong?