EvonSys LLC.
Last activity: 10 Oct 2023 15:20 EDT
After upgrade from 7.2 to 8.7, the existing pega service starts throwing “403 forbidden”.
Problem Statement:
After upgrade from 7.2 to 8.7, the existing pega service starts throwing “403 forbidden”. Postman receives the below message in header.
Warning →299 lwsprib00001q24 "Use of TLS/SSL is strongly recommended for services using Basic Authentication"
What we are doing:
- The service package has a severe warning message in rule form since TLS/SSL question is unchecked.
- This same warning message is propagated via the service.
- Solution: Turning off the “Requires authentication” is allowing the service to get called from Postman. But there are some pieces of code which check pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier. In this scenario, pyUserIdentifier remains blank. And as a result, things are going into exception. So, at first in the service activity, I have to set the property pyUserIdentifier which is making this work. we have several REST services - we may have to repeat the same for others.
1. Is thee any other OOTB method to fix this ?