Standard Charted Bank
Last activity: 9 Dec 2018 10:20 EST
After PRPC upgrade from 7.2.2 to 8.1, Error: The method findPage(String, String) is ambiguous for the type PegaAPI
Hi, I have upgraded PRPC from 7.2.2 to 8.1 and then observed the below error as part of my application sanity testing.
Failed to compile generated Java com.pegarules.generated.decisiontable.ra_action_getemaildetails_d83e4ab2dc47e51da775e37ce36b7f6d: Optional[--------1. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/decisiontable/ (at line 3153) String pz_215 = pega.findPage(tools.getParamValue("LoopPage"), null).getString(pega, "LeadPBM");
The method findPage(String, String) is ambiguous for the type PegaAPI
1 problem (1 error)
Compile failed.
Seems to be multiple jars (older and newer) causing the issue. Please suggest where we can findout and how i need to remove older jars?
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