Action Set action runs even when When rule returns False. How to not get this action to run?
I am developing an Action Set with event 'onChange' on a text area. When the onChange runs, it will first refresh the section holding the text area and then launches a local action. The order is (1) Refresh-ThisSection and then (2) Launch Local Action (Modal WIndow). I have placed a When rule on the local action checking if the length of the text area equals a set amount (let's say 10 for example).
The action is running even when my When rule returns False sometimes. The times that it returns False is when I have 10 characters in the text area and then delete 1. The length will be 9 now and my When rule returns False as the length is not equal to 10. However, the local action still launches and the modal window appears. I close the window and then enter a character making the length 10. The section refreshes and the when rule returns True, but the local action launch does not occur.
I have also tried this with Post Value instead of Refresh-ThisSection and the When rule still performs the same way but the local action runs even when the When rule tied to it returns False. Does anyone have any insight as to why this may be happening?