
Last activity: 2 Mar 2018 11:51 EST
1)Auto-Complete should work irrespective of with special characters 2) fetching a value from DB through rdb-list irrespective of special characters
Auto-Complete should work irrespective of with special characters?
Suppose i have country names in a table "A" are 1) India 2) Iñdiàna.
In UI i have an auto-complete with source as the report definition of Data base table "A",
So when i type "India" in auto-compete i am getting auto suggestion as only "India" but not both "India" and "Iñdiàna" and vice versa (when i type "Iñdiàna" i should get both "India" and "Iñdiàna"). We don't have any Localization concept in our application.
is there any approach to achieve this..??
Fetching a value from DB through rdb-list irrespective of special characters
In the same scenario i have given country as "india" to a coonect-sql browse query i should get results both "India" and "Iñdiàna".
is there any approach to achieve this too..??
Quick help is highly appreciated.