After updating Pega Cloud® 2 to 3, currency control format is incorrectly displayed for es_CR locale.
Symptoms and Impact
The following is the symptom of this currency formatting issue:
For instance, the user interface incorrectly displays the currency format as 3,20,140.87 while the expected format is 320.140,87.
Steps to reproduce
Update from Pega Cloud 2 to Pega Cloud 3, which triggers a Java version update to 11+.
Root Cause
Pega Cloud 3 uses Java 11, whereas Pega Cloud 2 uses Java 8.
Java 11 uses CLDR (Unicode Common Locale Data Repository) over the COMPAT settings, which are responsible for formatting behavior in Java 8 and earlier versions. This leads to incorrect formatting.
For more information, go to Locale Problems Upgrading from Java 8 on the Incusdata website.
Submit a Cloud Change (CC) request to add the jvm parameter -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT
in Web Tier.
You can submit the Cloud Change request from the My Support Portal by selecting the Cloud Change ticket type.
For more information on creating support ticket, refer to My Support Portal FAQs
An enhancement request has been raised to address this limitation. This known issue document will be updated with release details when the enhancement for this issue is available.