How to determin if a page exist in HTML?
<pega:when test="pyWorkPage.CustomerList()=!""> doesn't work
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***
<pega:when test="pyWorkPage.CustomerList()=!""> doesn't work
@AnitaP82 You can do this by calling a when rule in HTML and check 'if page exist or not' in the When Rule.
In your case, you can create a when rule called HasCustomerList you can use "expression evaluates to true" condition type and use this expression @(Pega-RULES:Default).PageExists("pyWorkPage.CustomerList").
In HTML you can use then use <pega:when name="HasCustomerList">.
Hope that helps.
returned an error in UI: Rule not found: Rule-Obj-HTML. it cant find function @(Pega-RULES:Default).PageExists i assume.
Please advice.
Please try @PageExists("pyWorkPage.CustomerList") instead.
I tried different lib :Lib(PegaApp:Default) it works good. I guess because of different framework.
Thanks for your help!
@AnitaP82 You can use the pega:when tag in your HTML to check if a page exists. For example, you can create a when rule named 'PageExists' to determine if the page is present or not. The syntax would look like this: pega:choose<pega:when name="PageExists">Page exists</pega:when>pega:otherwisePage does not exist</pega:otherwise></pega:choose>. This allows you to conditionally render content based on the existence of the page.
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