National Australian Bank
Last activity: 4 Jun 2024 13:48 EDT
Account level customer targeting
Hi Team,
We are working in Pega infinity 23.
I am working on multiple use cases where i want to reach out to customers based on their account eligibilities and also apply the contact policies based on "customer+accounts" already targeted.
So take an example : Customer has 5 account and they are maturing in some time. Some of them may be maturing in next 5 days and other might be in between 5 to 10 days. And the logic we want to apply is to reach out to customers in within 5 days before it's maturing. Considering we are planning to personalise when account is maturing; we want to make sure we are not reaching out to customers+account where we have already sent a message(in last x days). Which means the contact policy we want to apply is in customer+account level. Can you please help us understand how can we achieve it?
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***