
Sytel Reply
Last activity: 6 Dec 2023 4:00 EST
Do Test cases in test suite share context?
Hi, I've a question about test suite. From documentation I've learned that they group test cases. Yet my question is: do those test cases share the same context? I try to explain with an example. Let's say I have a suite with 4 test cases. So I have in my test suite in this exact order: TC_1 TC_2 TC_3 TC_4 Now the output of TC_1 is the input for TC_2 and the output of TC_2 is the input for TC_3 and so on.
Using my test suite it doesn't seem to happen. I've just noticed that the first is passed, and then the other are failing. So it is possible to configure a test suite with this configuration?
Thanks for your help