References rules from different classes
I have a Data Transform and an Activity. They are both in different classes.
I want to call the Data Transform from the Activity. (E,g using Apply-DataTransform Method)
If use the drop down list (press down), in the DataTransform field of the Activity Step, it only lists rules in the parent class of the Activity.
Equally If i just type the name of the Data Transform, Pega complains of 'Invalid Value for Data Transform name passed to the Assembler'
I've read about using the Pages & Classes tab to help with this, but I still don't understand it (after 3 years).
I get that I probably need to enter the Class name of the DataTransform in the Class column of the Pages & Classes form, but don't know what needs to go in the Page name field. You can't make this up, it needs to be something pre-defined. Where can I find this? Where do I look? Where it is stored?
Or do I do something different?