Access different class in Report
I’m building a report. I want to refer to properties in a different class to where the report is stored.
Looking at other posts, I was led to believe that this should be achievable using Pages & Classes tab, as this describes exactly what I want to do:
However it turns out, for some reason it works differently in Reports. It sounds like I need to use a Class Join.
Looking at the academy, it talks about having to join the two classes with a common ‘key’.
These seem abstract to me (PzInsKey, and PxRefObjectKey) – I have no idea what they are, how they were identified or what the equivalent ‘keys’ would be for the classes I am trying to join. It doesn’t explain how to find what they would be. It just says to ‘Determine them’.
That’s like me asking ‘How do you make a call on this phone?’ – and the answer being ‘You call someone’
Please can someone explain this, in steps with detail?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***