Is there any OOTB activity where i can do a Bulk Reject of the work objects
Is there any OOTB activity where i can do a Bulk Reject of the work objects
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Is there any OOTB activity where i can do a Bulk Reject of the work objects
@RamyaG75 please can we ask that you do not post the same question multiple times on this forum? It wastes time with duplication of work, and causes confusion when answers get lost.
I am closing this question as this is a duplicate question to the identical one you posted here.
Hi @RamyaG75
I haven't come across any such OOB utility. But you may create a report/data page with all cases that need to rejected and call Work-.pxForceCaseClose activity on them. pxForceCaseClose is the standard API to close work objects and their covered items.
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