
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 2 Mar 2023 9:06 EST
SLA not displaying in newAssignsPage for screenflow
I have implemented screenflow in the application . For the flow, I have given a SLA in the process tab .
On executing case , the goal and deadline is not displaying in the newAssignsPage - .pxDeadlineTime in empty and pxGoalTime is not present in the newAssignsPage.
Any help on how to resolve this and display the goal and deadline for screenflow WQ routing would be appreciated .
Thank you
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Mar 2023 9:06 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Solution :
For assignments, the goal and deadline is stored in pzInternalProcessFlow in .pxAssignGoalTime property and .pxAssignDeadTime proeprty . So, if these values are populated in newAssignPage , then sla for screenflow can be achieved .
In the NewDefaults activity , set goal and deadline time in the newAssignPage to hold the values from the pzInternalProcessFlow by using getPropertyValueFormPage() .

@Deepika Sree I think Process level SLAs are not tied to a single assignment so they would not be appearing on the newAssignPage. There would be an instance of internal assignment where the sla details would be present.

Pegasystems Inc.
@BhanuPrakash_G , Is there any way on populating the goal and deadline in the UI similar to how it is for assignment level SLA ?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Mar 2023 9:06 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Solution :
For assignments, the goal and deadline is stored in pzInternalProcessFlow in .pxAssignGoalTime property and .pxAssignDeadTime proeprty . So, if these values are populated in newAssignPage , then sla for screenflow can be achieved .
In the NewDefaults activity , set goal and deadline time in the newAssignPage to hold the values from the pzInternalProcessFlow by using getPropertyValueFormPage() .
Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@Deepika Sree Hi Deepika, so you have configured the SLA in the first assignment of the screenflow. In the NewAssignpage .pxGoalTime and .pxDeadlineTime were empty because of which SLA was not triggered. But you were able to see both the properties in pzInternalProcessFlow(firstassignment). You have used NewDefault activity to set the goal and deadline from pzInternalProcessFlow(firstassignment) to NewAssignPage. Is my understanding correct?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Anoop Krishna , the SLA can be configured for the entire screenflow , not in particular to any assignment .
So for screenflows , the SLA was basically being stored in pzInternalProcessFlow , so SLA was visible only for the first assignment in the screenflow and not for all the consecutive assignments.
Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@Deepika Sree Ok, even though you have configured SLA for entire screen flow, but SLA got stored in pzInternalProcessFlow(also only for 1 assignment) and you have set detail to NewAssignPage from pzInternalProcessflow because of which SLA got applied to all the assignments in the screenflow.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Anoop Krishna Yes, that's correct .

Bits in Glass
@Deepika Sreethank you for letting me the solution. Please mark your solution as accepted.