Does Pega Platform log anything?
Please answer the following two questions
1. where will the logs be posted?
2. What kind of logs must be handled?
Thank you in advance.
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Please answer the following two questions
1. where will the logs be posted?
2. What kind of logs must be handled?
Thank you in advance.
@YukiK338 Navigate to Configure >> System >> Operation >> Logs Types of logs as in screenshot , all Dirty code errors , performance issues etc to be identified and have to refine the code accordingly .
@YukiK338 on a single node instance (for eg: personal edition on your system) It can be found under Configure -> System -> Operations -> Logs. This will show the log generated by current node.
There are multiple logs available in system as mentioned in academy
if you are having a Pega cloud (multi node) environment in Pega cloud, to view the logs from each of the nodes, you should login to & navigate to My pega cloud -> Details in My cloud set up -> Environments -> Download logs
To view logs from a single node in Pega cloud, you can follow the navigation in Dev studio as mentioned earlier
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