
cosmos Implimentation
We have installed Pega platform 8.7.1 on PKS cluster . we need help on implementation of Cosmos,
and having some questions on Cosmos
Prerequisite: SSL must be enabled and working?
How do we know if the Cosmos UI service has been installed?
How do we get the Constellation URL?
And also can we get any doc or steps for enabling cosmos..
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@EshwarrajI can you confirm that you have checked the Configuring Cosmos React documentation?
I believe some of the answers are on that page. Also see the 8.7 React Platform Release Notes. There are some troubleshooting suggestions in this other forum question.
There are also some discussion resources available such as Video: steps to create a Cosmos DX component
Regarding the Constellation URL: Setting up the Constellation service in Pega Platform

@MarijeSchillern Hi we have deployed Pega Paltform 8.7.1 in PKS env , i tried following the steps provided in doc below
Configuring Pega Platform for Constellation | Pega . by using http and our localhost URL .
But getting error HTTP status 404.
And also we need to know for Pega platform 8.7.1 deployed on PKS using Helm Charts ,whether we need to manually add Cosmos UI or it is preinstalled with pega infinity

@EshwarrajI could you try the troubleshooting steps outlined in another forum user's 'Constellation docker Image doesn't work' post?
I will check to see if there is an SME who can have a look at your issue. Please provide clarification of the exact error and when you see it.

@MarijeSchillern Hi we have deployed pega platform on PKS cluster using helm charts , now actually we want to know whether Cosmos UI is preinstalled with pega infinity . And if its preinstalled how can we access it .

@EshwarrajI Are you referring to Theme Cosmos or Cosmos React UI?
I don't believe it is pre-installed.
Setting up the Constellation service in Pega Platform
- For on-premises systems where Constellation was not installed with Pega Platform, complete the manual installation:
- To install the Constellation package by using Docker, see Installing Constellation by using Docker.
- To install the Constellation package by using Helm for Kubernetes, see Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes.
- For Theme Cosmos use, ensure that your application uses either the UI Kit theme or theme Cosmos.
@EshwarrajI Are you referring to Theme Cosmos or Cosmos React UI?
I don't believe it is pre-installed.
Setting up the Constellation service in Pega Platform
- For on-premises systems where Constellation was not installed with Pega Platform, complete the manual installation:
- To install the Constellation package by using Docker, see Installing Constellation by using Docker.
- To install the Constellation package by using Helm for Kubernetes, see Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes.
- For Theme Cosmos use, ensure that your application uses either the UI Kit theme or theme Cosmos.
- Enable the Constellation engine:
- To enable full Cosmos React, see Enabling Cosmos React for an application.
- To enable Theme Cosmos, see Enabling hybrid mode.
"To use Constellation in App Studio for building an application, update the component palettes and property panes with data from the Constellation service. The data is exported automatically through the REST API when you start the Docker container, but you must enable the REST API, and set up a Cosmos React UI service URL".
Does this Installing Cosmos React UI by using Docker article help?

@MarijeSchillern Hi I am following the steps given in this link Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes | Pega , i am getting doubt in 2nd step dockerconfig.json . where can we obtain or get this file .

@EshwarrajI , here is a link to a K8s article describing the dockerconfig file and creating one:

@MarijeSchillern Hi i just tried to follow the steps from the below link
Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes | Pega , was able to deploy constellation but when i am trying to access then i am getting 404 status error .

@EshwarrajI please run http traffic trace to see if you see any errors. See suggestions provided in previous forum post., post and post.
Did you do any troubleshooting such as external articles?
@NigelJohnson would you be able to offer any insight here?

@EshwarrajI Please check the pod log for the Constellation service. Every in-bound request is logged. That should confirm that your request is reaching the service.
If your request is reaching the service, you will see why the request is failing.

Hi in the link given below Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes | Pega
in Note they have given
You do not have to install Constellation manually if your environment meets any of the following criteria:
- Pega Platform is hosted on Pega Cloud services.
- Pega Platform is hosted on a client-managed cloud environment.
- Cosmos React UI was installed with Pega Infinity.
In these cases, the Constellation engine is already a part of your development environment, and you only need to enable the framework for your applications.
our pega platform is hosted on client-managed cloud environment (i.e PKS) , now we are trying to enable the cosmos react by following steps given in below link Enabling Cosmos React UI for an application | Pega
but in dev studio when go to application and then click definition and then advanced node , we are not get option React-based UI..
Hi in the link given below Installing Constellation by using Helm for Kubernetes | Pega
in Note they have given
You do not have to install Constellation manually if your environment meets any of the following criteria:
- Pega Platform is hosted on Pega Cloud services.
- Pega Platform is hosted on a client-managed cloud environment.
- Cosmos React UI was installed with Pega Infinity.
In these cases, the Constellation engine is already a part of your development environment, and you only need to enable the framework for your applications.
our pega platform is hosted on client-managed cloud environment (i.e PKS) , now we are trying to enable the cosmos react by following steps given in below link Enabling Cosmos React UI for an application | Pega
but in dev studio when go to application and then click definition and then advanced node , we are not get option React-based UI..
And also we have tried to follow the deployment using helm charts , but we are having a doubt . in our env we have deployed pegaplatform under namespace mypega, now we want constellation in this pega platform , so do we need to deploy constellation under namespace mypega ?

@EshwarrajI I'm assuming that Constellation engine is already a part of your client-managed cloud environment (i.e PKS)? does have Constellation installed?
Can you confirm that you went through the step of checking the pod log for the Constellation service? Every in-bound request is logged so that should confirm that your request is reaching the service.
If your request is reaching the service, you will see why the request is failing. It would show what traffic is reaching Constellation, and any relevant errors after that.
Please could you provide the pod logs here?

@MarijeSchillern Hi i have attached the constellation pod log and also the deployment file which i used to deploy constellation on our pegaplatform ..

@EshwarrajI I see the K8s healthcheck ping requests in the log and I see a badly formatted request. good your service is running.
From a browser do you get a response on the ping? It is important to do this check from a browser with cacheing turned off. The browser must confirm https calls operate If the browser gets a good response on the ping, enter the url for your service into the Infinity DSS and check the Infinity log for any http errors. If no errors in the Infinity log, check the service pod log. There should be multiple POST requests from Infinity. If the POST requests are present, good, Infinity is providing UI static content to Constellation. Proceed to application authoring in AppStudio