
Infosys Technologies
Last activity: 31 May 2022 9:23 EDT
GDPR request management application
Hi All,
Where i can download the request management application for GDPR implementation on Pega without any CRM.
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Pegasystems Inc.
@ManjunathaM0626 you can find the documentation here: General Data Protection Regulation
- GDPR request management application
- A Pega application that is built to manage GDPR requests for Pega and non-Pega applications.
- The Pega Infinity™ CRM applications include a GDPR request management application.
- If you do not have a Pega Infinity CRM application, Pega Exchange provides a prototype application called the GDPR Accelerator that you can download and customize.
Please download it from the Marketplace.

Infosys Technologies
@MarijeSchillern Looks like this component doesn't contain the application which is mentioned. This component is specific to the decision rulesets and the applicable version is different. I am on Pega 8.7

Bits In Glass
@ManjunathaM0626 The components are never applications, they are additional functionalities which can work only when the component is enabled from your Application's context.
After you download the component from the market place and import it into pega-> go to Application definition and enable the component from add component.

Infosys Technologies
@Sesha_Kanduri HI Sesha, Thanks for your reply.
I know the how to use components but what i am looking is different. Pega has a sample application called request management application to get started with the GDPR implementation. You can get more details from this link
clicking on this link says i am not authorized for the content
Updated: 20 May 2022 8:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@ManjunathaM0626 I now understand your issue. It was not clear in your initial question.
I will check internally why that link is not accessible externally.
It should indeed allow you to access the "Pega GDPR/CCPA Accelerator" ( RAP from the PEGA MARKETPLACE.
I will comment further once I have the Pega GDPR/CCPA Accelerator MarketPlace application link fixed.

Infosys Technologies
@MarijeSchillern Hi Marije, Please let me know if you are able to get any response on this internally.

Bits In Glass
@ManjunathaM0626 Thanks Manjunath, I now understand the issue is the link being not accessible.
This is the correct link

Infosys Technologies
@Sesha_Kanduri Hi Sesha. Please check the link content. Its a component to enable GDPR compliance with decision and marketing features. What i am looking is an application which also works on pega case management without any decisioning features. Marije is looking internally why the link is broken. Once we have a reply from Marije you can download and compare application and component.
Marije Schillern

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
I am facing the same issue, @MarijeSchillern , Could you please update this post once the link is fixed for external users.
Updated: 31 May 2022 9:23 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@GowrishankarR5247 @ManjunathaM0626 I have been chasing our Pega Marketplace SME's but to date have not had a response.
I will keep following up on this, apologies for the delay. I can see that our documentation was also not updated - the request has been received so this will definitely be corrected.
From my understanding of the GDPR accelerator was a tool that simply gave examples of how a business could potentially use Pega software to manage GDPR requests when the legislation went into effect. At some point it became out-of-date with our current software and was withdrawn. I am unable to determine the exact changes that mitigated this.
I believe that our sales team may have had a demo at some point both for Customer Service and Platform but these are also not available anymore.
I think it is safe to assume that this application is no longer available, but I will try to find out the details behind this.