Where to add custom suppression rules in NBA Strategy framework?
We have a relatively simple requirement to suppress an action if it was presented in the past 90 days (other times, 10, other times 20, for the sake of example, let's say this number can vary).
Reviewing contact policies, I am unsure if it is the right place to add this requirement to that function as it would require extending the IH summaries to look past 7/30 days and then suppress the action for an additional 'x'-number of days.
For that reason, I believe it would be best to leverage the IH component and implement custom logic to filter an offer based on our business requirements (at a high level).
Looking through what is available in the strategy framework, paying particular attention to the Constraints sub-strategy, I do not see any extension points here and believe either the pre/post-processing strategy will be the best fit for this unless I am missing another capability in the application to satisfy our requirement.