
Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 29 May 2024 8:34 EDT
DSS connector/gen/MaximumSizeOfDataTransform
While generating the REST connector using "Create REST Integration" wizard, PRPC v8.7.0 fails to properly generate the Response Data transform of Data Source/Data Page.
Here is a screen-shot of the generated response data transform.
If you look at the first line of this DT, apparently there is a limit on number of properties that can be automatically mapped/populated by wizard on this data transform.
If that limit exceeds, PRPC just creates a blank response DT, as follows.
Although the message indicates this limit can be overridden using 'connector/gen/MaximumSizeOfDataTransform' DSS, but it doesn't exist in system. And, there is no mention of ruleset that should hold this DSS.
Note that creation of this DSS in application ruleset(s), doesn't solve this issue!
Question -
- Has anyone faced this issue yet?
- If yes, any idea of what the correct RS for this DSS would be?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***