Performance issue: Request 500 ms - check if optimization possible (index, rework, caching, ...)
i have a performance issue in the Request 500 ms - i need to check if optimization possible (index, rework, caching, ...) ?
SELECT DISTINCT "PC0"."id" AS "ID" , "PC0"."code" AS "Code" , "PC0"."name" AS "Name" , "PC0"."codename" AS "CodeName" , "PC0"."code_dept" AS "Code_Dept" , "PC0"."code_postal" AS "Code_Postal" , "PC0"."code_insee" AS "Code_Insee" , "Dept"."code_reg" AS "Code_Reg" FROM pegacustomerdata.pr_data_cnam_territoire_commun "PC0" INNER JOIN pegacustomerdata.pr_data_cnam_territoire_depart "Dept" ON ( ( "Dept"."code" = "PC0"."code_dept" ) ) INNER JOIN pegacustomerdata.pr_data_cnam_territoire_region "Reg" ON ( ( "Reg"."code" = "Dept"."code_reg" ) ) ORDER BY 3 ASC, 6 ASC
I will know is it normal that there is no where clause? how many lines returned?