Error is not displayed when optimistic locking option is used
Hi All,
We are using Pega Platform 8.5.2 ,Theme Cosmos
1.Configured a case type with Optimistic locking (Allow multiple users),Created a case .
2. work object is opened by 2 separate operators and 1st operator updated a field (Clicked on Save its a Screen flow) and 2nd operator updated a field and clicked on Save or Next.
Activity pzShowConflicts which invoke from Finish Assignment Param.ShowConflict is set to true
Configurations :
- Save-as the Tabbedscreenflow7 harness in the custom ruleset
- In Display options Tab 1.FormLevel errors-In Configurable section 2.Allways show is checked 3Keep Error display is checked 3.Custom Error section is pyCaseErrorSection.
- Embedded pzShowConflicts Section in pyCaseErrorSection
1.Able to Error message but not all the time
2. Some time not able to see any error message on UI and its restricting the user to move forward when click on next button ,In Tracer able to see Error message on pyWorkPage. some times when 2nd operator do browser refresh able to see Error message.
Any suggestion how resolve this issue.