
Rulesware LLC
Last activity: 29 Sep 2020 10:35 EDT
Failed to find a 'RULE-DECISION-DATASET' with the name 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' that applies to '@baseclass'
I am configuring the ProcessFromEventSource data flow as real time dataflow (DF) to catch events in CDHEventSource data set and trigger NBA Framework defined events. I am getting following error message when I send a request:
Failed to find a 'RULE-DECISION-DATASET' with the name 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' that applies to '@baseclass'. There were 1 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 1 rules named 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' defined in the rulebase are:
1 related to applies-to class '@baseclass', but were defined on subclasses: 'Data-pxStrategyResult'.
Debugging the activities triggered by ProcessFromEventSourceData DF I found out that the pxRunSingleCaseDDF activity indeed uses a InputPage page of type @Base class as context to perform the DF call in tis case to Trigger_NBA_TopLevel DF. Following is the full stack of invoked activities:
Here are some of the resources I am using as reference:
I am configuring the ProcessFromEventSource data flow as real time dataflow (DF) to catch events in CDHEventSource data set and trigger NBA Framework defined events. I am getting following error message when I send a request:
Failed to find a 'RULE-DECISION-DATASET' with the name 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' that applies to '@baseclass'. There were 1 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 1 rules named 'PXINTERACTIONHISTORY' defined in the rulebase are:
1 related to applies-to class '@baseclass', but were defined on subclasses: 'Data-pxStrategyResult'.
Debugging the activities triggered by ProcessFromEventSourceData DF I found out that the pxRunSingleCaseDDF activity indeed uses a InputPage page of type @Base class as context to perform the DF call in tis case to Trigger_NBA_TopLevel DF. Following is the full stack of invoked activities:
Here are some of the resources I am using as reference:
Could you help me to understand what configuration I might be missing?