
Last activity: 15 Jul 2020 8:17 EDT
Facing error when trying to save a section by giving parameterized data page in the as the visibility condition conditional expres
We are trying to save a section with visibility condition conditional expression as below.
Note: RuleName is a required parameter in the data page.
While saving we are getting the below error.
This record has 20 error(s) in 2 place(s) .
line 1:20 token recognition error at: '[' D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel ^ line 1:21 mismatched input 'RuleName' expecting {<EOF>, ')', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '=', '!=', '<>', '^=', '&&', '&', 'AND', '||', '|', 'OR'} D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel ^^^^^^^^ line 1:35 token recognition error at: ']' D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel ^
Condition for visibility—
line 1:20 token recognition error at: '[' D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel ^ line 1:21 mismatched input 'RuleName' expecting {<EOF>, ')', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '=', '!=', '<>', '^=', '&&', '&', 'AND', '||', '|', 'OR'} D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel ^^^^^^^^ line 1:35 token recognition error at: ']' D_ShowDelegatedRules[RuleName:'XYZ'].pyLabel
If parameter is removed and given as D_ShowDelegatedRules.pyLabel, then the section is getting saved.
Has anyone faced the same issue?
Thanks in advance!
/Sri Lalitha.