
Last activity: 8 May 2020 15:55 EDT
Flowaction has a privilege
Flowaction has a privilege in the security tab. How it would verify if user has it or not
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 May 2020 8:40 EDT

Blue Rose Technologies
I am not sure if I understand the question correctly.
1. You logged in to developer studio and check if an operator has any particular privilege, you can go to Access Group, Access Roles and check AROs.
2. If you want to check runtime using some activity, you can see some details in below post,
3. If the question is on Flow Action, platform will internally check if the user trying to call the Flow Action has particular privilege in it's Access Group.
Please see some details in below link also

Blue Rose Technologies
Users (Operators) are mapped to some Access Groups and Access Groups contains some Access Roles. Each Access Role contains ARO (Access of Role to Object) which has privileges.

Thanks for the reply, once the privilege has been enabled for a particular user - we need to / can find the instances in Access of Role to Object

Blue Rose Technologies
If we go to any Access Role, you see a + button to add Access Role Object. In that you can see a section for privileges where you can add privilege. The same privilege you will be specifying in Flow Action security tab.
shehani Edirisinghe

Question is about - How it would verify if the user has it or not.
Do we have any class like */System-User-MyRules/* if we delegate a rule to end-user to understand what the rules we've delegated
Accepted Solution
Updated: 3 May 2020 8:40 EDT

Blue Rose Technologies
I am not sure if I understand the question correctly.
1. You logged in to developer studio and check if an operator has any particular privilege, you can go to Access Group, Access Roles and check AROs.
2. If you want to check runtime using some activity, you can see some details in below post,
3. If the question is on Flow Action, platform will internally check if the user trying to call the Flow Action has particular privilege in it's Access Group.
Please see some details in below link also
Sam mk