
Last activity: 30 Apr 2020 9:59 EDT
Send Email to CC in Pega
How do i send email to CC in pega other than using sendemailnotification?
I used sendemailnotification it worked fine but email body dispplayed is not in correct format.
Any other activity I can use which sends email to TO as well as CC?
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shirly Shirom Ravikumar Jaligama -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 30 Apr 2020 9:38 EDT

Got the solution
In section repeating grid, open column value and column source presentation tab, under advanced options select cell inline style, and click on the gear icon and give border, colours what ever we want.

Blue Rose Technologies
We had used SendEmailWithAttachments before which calls sendemailnotification in it. We didn't face any issue with email body format that time. Could you please let us know what is the format issue you are facing?

We have section included in the email body and section have repeating grid layout.
So the email body should have table displayed. But my email body table is displayed as plain text with table contents and missed table borders which kind of makes email body awkward.
Below link has information about my problem when using sendemailnotifictaion. So i want to avaoid that and send mail to CC
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Instead of including an Auto-generated HTML section, can you try to include a section with HTML content? This could be more work but the alignment of tables would be proper in this case.
Please find the below article which might be helpful.
Bhargav Putumbaka

Yes, on going resolution given in the link below, figured out that this issue can be avoided by writing HTML code. But searching for options where I can send email to CC using any OOTB functions
Accepted Solution
Updated: 30 Apr 2020 9:38 EDT

Got the solution
In section repeating grid, open column value and column source presentation tab, under advanced options select cell inline style, and click on the gear icon and give border, colours what ever we want.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
It would solve the problem, but as a best practice, we should not use inline styling. Please find the below article which might be helpful.
Bhargav Putumbaka

Thank you for the information. Now I understood why i got few warnings when I used inline styling