
Last activity: 23 Feb 2020 22:56 EST
Error message on Text Property is too long, maximum length allowed is 2100
When making call to datapage, getting error "is too long, maximum length allowed is 2100" on text property. I have changed the max length of the property getting the error but I am still seeing this message being returned.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you try resaving the rule that is setting the property value?
Updated: 23 Feb 2020 22:54 EST

Yes, I did try that but still getting message

Pegasystems Inc.
Where are you getting this error? at property level or datapage?
Bhuvanesh Saravanan
Updated: 23 Feb 2020 22:54 EST

I see it on the datapage in the clipboard and the message says looks like this:
the PolicyMessagesList(9).policyMessage:"DATE : 04/17/2019 TIME 14:43:00 USER : EXXXXX USER ID : EXXXXDEPT : AGCY SECT SUXXTEAM : COXX DATE : 04/17/2019 TIME 14:43:00 USER : COARL JESEPIANDERINH DATE : 04/17/2019 TIME 14:43:00 USER : E..." is too long, maximum length allowed is 2100
so I changed the policy message field max length from 2100 to 0 and tried just removing it and I still see the message,
Updated: 23 Feb 2020 22:57 EST

I see it on the datapage in the clipboard.
It looks like this on the policy list page:
There is 1 error
- .policyMessage:"DATE : 04/xx/2019 TIME 14:49:00 USER : E66XXXX is too long, maximum length allowed is USER ID : E6xxxxx DEPT : AGCY SECT SUxx TEAM : CO76 DATE : 04/xx/2019 TIME 14:49:00 USER : COARL XXXXXX DATE : 04/17/2019 TIME 14:49:00 USER : E..." 2100
There was a max length of 2100 on the policyMessage property on that page which I tried removing but still see this message.
Updated: 22 Feb 2020 2:51 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for posting the query.
Can you please revalidate and save the property rule form and check the use-case. Please check the tracer and pegarules logs once even you are observing the same issue.
Updated: 23 Feb 2020 22:56 EST

I have read on another forum that it becomes a problem when trying to remove the max length. I tried re validate and save but didn't seem to change anything either.