
Sopra Steria Group
Last activity: 7 Jan 2020 10:07 EST
Run a Connector Rest on a Data-page with scope Node, 7.3.1
Hi everyone,
My team and I have a issue with our development.
Our need is to call a REST Service with a data-page to retrieve a token and a refresh-token but we do not want to call this service everytime.
We used the scope "Node" on data-page to share the token and we added a when rule to refresh or not the Data-page.
When we test a activity which call the Connector, it works well. But with data-page we have this: "the server responded with an HTTP 404 code, indicating that the resource does not exist. // The body of the service's response, which is set up for mapping in the Connector rule, was empty for this service call."
When we test in thread scope and requestor scope, it works well.
How can we manage the service call in node scope? And why it works on thread and requestor scope and not in node scope?