Load Data-Page in activity , FUAInstance-NullMyStepPage
Data page D_Search_Appellant (list, thread level) of type EAOS-EACMSCS-Interface-Contact is loaded by activity Code-Pega-List -> DPLoadCustomerSearch
In the above activity the first step is:
When (.SearchStringWorkID != "")
call activity EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction -> CPMFindCustomer
step page pyWorkPage (EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction)
Now, I am trying to load the above data page in a standalone activity as below :
EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction -> MyCustomActivity
All steps below with step page as tempWorkPage (EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction-Outbound-Call)
1. Page-New
2. Property-Set .SearchStringWorkID = "ABC"
3. Load-DataPage D_Search_Appellant (work pool DSA1)
4. Connect-Wait (work pool DSA1)
On running the custom activity from designer studio, MyCustomActivity fails at step 4 with error:
** Error during Connect-Wait on Pool ID : DSA1, Detail : ** Error loading RULE-DECLARE-PAGES D_SEARCH_APPELLANT #20170617T162921.454 GMT , Reason : The reference .SearchStringWorkID != "" is not valid. Reason: FUAInstance-NullMyStepPage
I replaced 'tempWorkPage' with 'pyWorkPage' and it didn't help
When we call Load-DataPage with a step page, does the datapage's activity run in the same step page context, OR since it's asynchronous load, it's context is different?
I set .SearchStringWorkID in the primary page too and it didn't help either
Data page D_Search_Appellant (list, thread level) of type EAOS-EACMSCS-Interface-Contact is loaded by activity Code-Pega-List -> DPLoadCustomerSearch
In the above activity the first step is:
When (.SearchStringWorkID != "")
call activity EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction -> CPMFindCustomer
step page pyWorkPage (EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction)
Now, I am trying to load the above data page in a standalone activity as below :
EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction -> MyCustomActivity
All steps below with step page as tempWorkPage (EAOS-EACMSCS-Work-Interaction-Outbound-Call)
1. Page-New
2. Property-Set .SearchStringWorkID = "ABC"
3. Load-DataPage D_Search_Appellant (work pool DSA1)
4. Connect-Wait (work pool DSA1)
On running the custom activity from designer studio, MyCustomActivity fails at step 4 with error:
** Error during Connect-Wait on Pool ID : DSA1, Detail : ** Error loading RULE-DECLARE-PAGES D_SEARCH_APPELLANT #20170617T162921.454 GMT , Reason : The reference .SearchStringWorkID != "" is not valid. Reason: FUAInstance-NullMyStepPage
I replaced 'tempWorkPage' with 'pyWorkPage' and it didn't help
When we call Load-DataPage with a step page, does the datapage's activity run in the same step page context, OR since it's asynchronous load, it's context is different?
I set .SearchStringWorkID in the primary page too and it didn't help either
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated SR details***