Nationwide Building Society
Last activity: 16 Dec 2019 7:17 EST
Unable to log into Open Excercise system for Pega Platform Foundation, 7.2
Tried using my company email address, Forum name, tenant name and pega academy password but to no avail. response from when attempting to log in is "The information you entered was not recognised". Can anyone advise me what credentials I should be using please
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Pegasystems Inc.
as noted in the course and exercises, please use the login credentials as noted in each exercise.
Nationwide Building Society
Thanks for the prompt reply, Eddie. I will most probably kick myself on learning this but where are the login credentials? At what point in the exercise process are they being displayed?
Nationwide Building Society
Just found it - thanks for your helo
I just ran into this same problem. I am doing my first exercise, so having to login using a different set of credentials that are not listed near the "Open exercise system" link isn't very user friendly.
Also, "The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the exercise." Doesn't communicate that these are for me to login to the system. I thought I would be using them in the exercise for something.
EPAM Systems
The credentials to use for the exercise are not clear.
Also, why the use of popup windows? So very 2001....
De Mandemakersgroep BV
Hi Pega,
I did find the exercise guide with all the credential, but I cannot find a link on how to get to the Open exercise system. In the guide the following is stated
"This course provides a virtual exercise system that allows you to complete the exercises that accompany the course. Instructions for how to download and setup the virtual exercise system are provided in the previous topic." But I cannot see which previous topic is meant.
Can someone provide me a link or steps on how to actually download and setup the virtual exercise system?
Thanks in advance.
De Mandemakersgroep BV
Never mind my question. I was a bit too fast on asking. Found it in the meantime.