
Last activity: 29 Aug 2019 2:31 EDT
How to Calling Flow in Work- from Split for Each my Page in Data- Class
I have a requirement where I have to created assignemnts based on pagelist in split for each. That's all done. I used Split-For-Each and based on the pageList property I'm not able create creating assignments when i checked tracer it is showing error assignement error. But the problem is my Page property is in Data- class which is fine and the flow(Let suppose its A) that I'm calling from Split-For-Each is in Work-. Flow A inturn used Split join and calls other flow which are also in Work-. So I cannot save A into Data-.
Please suggest me how to call the flow (Work-) from Split-For-Each based on Page Property (Data-).
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****