Does Pega Robotics 19.1 support the same applications as 8.0 SP1?
According to the release notes for 19.1,"Pega Robotics Automation version 19.1, includes all of the changes from build 8.0.2003 to 8.0.2031, inclusive". Does this mean that 19.1 is the next iterative feature release for Pega Robotic Software? If so, does 19.1 have the same application interrogation support and Pega Software support (e.g. work with Pega Robotic Manager and Workforce Intelligence) as its 8.0 SP1 counter part? Thank you for any feedback you can provide. Trying to determine difference from moving to 19.1 from 8.0 SP1 over a later build release of 8.0 SP1.