Excel: How to get a cell value next to the cell you specified?
Good day,
I would like some help in getting a cell value in excel. Say, I've put A2 on my textbox, how would I get the value of B2?
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Good day,
I would like some help in getting a cell value in excel. Say, I've put A2 on my textbox, how would I get the value of B2?
Hi ,
Hope you are asking how to copy value of one cell into an another cell , if yes then you can use formula in excel.
ex: you have given value in cell A1 i.e. 12 and you need value 12 in Cell B1 as well then go to the cell B1 text box and write formula i.e. =A1 and click enter . It will copy value from cell A1 into Cell B1 , in case you need for entire column then just drag it down will copy value from column A to B for entire row.
In case I have not answered to your question exactly then please brief your question again in detail.
Good day,
I have a table with name and age.
name age
name1 22
on my windows form, I'm only getting the cell with the name. However, I also want to print out the cell that contains the age from the same row.
Hi ,
You can try with this formula i.e. =A1&B1 which will take value from both the cell and merge in required cell.
Hope it will help you .
Note : I have answered in terms of excel and considering it's not related to PRPC .
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