DSS DetectEmptyProperties how to restrict this to specific services
I want to restrict a DSS DetectEmptyProperties only to specific services how can we achieve this
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I want to restrict a DSS DetectEmptyProperties only to specific services how can we achieve this
Team, can someone please repond
Do not think that is possible at the moment. Likely an enhancement request. Can you elaborate your business requirement?
We consume services from a upstream system and now they are not accepting null tags ex: </EmployeeName>. So we have to remove these tags in request xml for all the services which we are consuming from them. So i though of using this DSS which worked well . But this change should not impact other connect soap rules which are consumed from other systems. Here comes the problem.
We tried to make change in Data transform while initializing values, checking if value exists ,set value else skip step. This works perfect but doing this change for multiple services is a huge effort for us. Please suggest .
Pega team,
Can you please respond quick to the questions posted here.
One thought, maybe you can try to set the DSS programmatically based on whatever your selection criteria. See a related post:
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