Audit trail for Decision Data Records
Is there a way to do audit trail (similar to pyTrackSecurityChanges) for Decision Data Records?
Thanks in advance,
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Is there a way to do audit trail (similar to pyTrackSecurityChanges) for Decision Data Records?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Aniket,
There is already audit trail for decision data rule.
By decision data records do you mean propositions/offers in decision data rule?
In that case I doubt you can add audit trail to these records as these are not instances of the group class but part of the decision data rule itself.
Hi Prabhu,
Thanks for the answer.
However, I meant propositions i.e. auditing the changes of proposition matrix.
Also, what is the audit trail for decision data rule which is already there? I didn't get that part.
That is the OOTB rule history.
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