OOTB pySAMLWebSSOTimeoutActivity and pySAMLWebSSOAuthenticationActivity are erroring
We are trying to integrate SAML based SSO Idp with Pega 7.4. We have set Auth service with a URL like http://<host>:<port>/prweb/PRAuth/SSO . The idp metadata is also imported and web.xml is kept as the one that comes default with 7.4. It has servlet elements for PRAuth and SSO anyways.
When I am hitting the url http://<host>:<port>/prweb/PRAuth/SSO I am observing two issues while tracing it.
1. pySAMLWebSSOTimeoutActivity calls pySAMLWebSSOAuthenticationActivity. But the primary page is od Data-Auth-Service, hence it fails to find it. I edited this step to call @Code-Security.pySAMLWebSSOAuthenticationActivity.
2. Now when pySAMLWebSSOAuthenticationActivity gets called, its erroring out with null pointer exceptions. Seems the tools is still not initialised and its null every where activity is trying to use it.
Is it a know issue ? Does it need any hotfix?
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update SR Details***