Last activity: 5 Nov 2018 6:00 EST
How can i compare duplicate rows of page list in repeating grid.
Hi ,
My scenario is i want to compare the Page list of duplicate rows in repeating grid.
EX.In 1 record suppose my compare properties is Level1="1" and Role ="Supervisor" Access="ALL".i gave these properties in s.no1
In repeating grid of second row also i am adding same data like(Level1="1" and Role ="Supervisor" Access="ALL")
Now if user submits the button i need to show the validation "Row1 and Row 2 is conflict" in screen level.
If Row 1 and Row 3 is Duplicate data i need to show the error message "Row1 and Row 2 is duplicate".
Please give me the solution and if you any code screen shot please attach.
Thanks in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****