
Last activity: 5 Nov 2018 16:00 EST
How to install PL/V8 UDFs for Postgres on AWS RDS
We are planning to install Pega 8.1 with AWS RDS Postgres 9.6.10. There are few UDFs used to retrieve the data from blob using out of the box report definitions. However, since AWS RDS does not support PL/Java due to security reasons, we are unable to install the UDFs. We came to know that the Pega system is also using AWS RDS Postgres as the backend with PL/V8 UDFs instead of PL/Java UDFs to get around this specific limitation. Can anyone let us know the process/procedure to achieve the same or a link to PL/V8 versions of the Pega 8.1 UDFs?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****