Error while executing an automation that uses Excel application [PEGA Robotics version 8.0.1106.0 plugin in Visual Studio 2015]
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I am using PEGA Robotics version 8.0.1106.0 plugin in Visual Studio 2015.
I am facing the below error while executing an automation that uses Excel application.
Please suggest for the resolution.
1) Exception Information
Exception Type: OpenSpan.Automation.AutomationException
EventLink: OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink
ThrowingLink: OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink
MachineName: "XS11-1EERM5A"
CreatedDateTime: 10/9/2018 9:24:42 PM
AppDomainName: "OpenSpan.Runtime.exe"
ThreadIdentityName: ""
WindowsIdentityName: "NESTLE\NBSahaVi"
AdditionalInformation: NameValueCollection with 0 items
Message: "Error executing link in Automation: EL_F_Worksheet_GetByName - From: GlobalContainer.excelTest.Properties To: EL_F_Worksheet_GetByName._Workbook.Properties
GetWorkingInstance() could not get instance from TypeProxy. InstanceName: _Workbook"
Data: IDictionary (System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal) with 0 items
TargetSite: Void Execute(System.Object, OpenSpan.Automation.ExecutionEventArgs)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: "OpenSpan.Automation"
HResult: -2146232832
I am using PEGA Robotics version 8.0.1106.0 plugin in Visual Studio 2015.
I am facing the below error while executing an automation that uses Excel application.
Please suggest for the resolution.
1) Exception Information
Exception Type: OpenSpan.Automation.AutomationException
EventLink: OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink
ThrowingLink: OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink
MachineName: "XS11-1EERM5A"
CreatedDateTime: 10/9/2018 9:24:42 PM
AppDomainName: "OpenSpan.Runtime.exe"
ThreadIdentityName: ""
WindowsIdentityName: "NESTLE\NBSahaVi"
AdditionalInformation: NameValueCollection with 0 items
Message: "Error executing link in Automation: EL_F_Worksheet_GetByName - From: GlobalContainer.excelTest.Properties To: EL_F_Worksheet_GetByName._Workbook.Properties
GetWorkingInstance() could not get instance from TypeProxy. InstanceName: _Workbook"
Data: IDictionary (System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal) with 0 items
TargetSite: Void Execute(System.Object, OpenSpan.Automation.ExecutionEventArgs)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: "OpenSpan.Automation"
HResult: -2146232832
StackTrace Information
at OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink.Execute(Object sender, ExecutionEventArgs e)
at OpenSpan.Automation.EventLink.OnReceiveEvent(Object sender, ExecutionEventArgs e)
at OpenSpan.Automation.ConnectableWorker.DoWork(Object sender, ExecutionEventArgs executionArgs)
2) Exception Information
Exception Type: System.NullReferenceException
Message: "GetWorkingInstance() could not get instance from TypeProxy. InstanceName: _Workbook"
Data: IDictionary (System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal) with 0 items
TargetSite: System.Object GetWorkingInstance(OpenSpan.Automation.ConnectableHost, OpenSpan.Automation.ExecutionEventArgs)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: "OpenSpan.Automation"
HResult: -2147467261
StackTrace Information
at OpenSpan.Automation.ConnectableHost.GetWorkingInstance(ConnectableHost connectableHost, ExecutionEventArgs executionArgs)
at OpenSpan.Automation.ConnectableWorker.DoWork(Object sender, ExecutionEventArgs executionArgs)
Please make sure you have Excel connector started and that you have called Open method before trying to execute EL_F_Worksheet_GetByName automation (or that you have StartOnProjectStart=true and Workbook path properties defined in Excel connector).
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