
Ernst & Young LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
Posted: Jul 23, 2018
Last activity: Jul 25, 2018
Last activity: 25 Jul 2018 16:31 EDT
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Can I reset the Operator ID password , by sending a link to the email associated with the Operator ID and when click on that link , it should redirect to a screen where user can change the password.
Hello Manoj,
May I know, which version of Pega you are using.
From Pega 730 version (as am tested), when you click on forgot password link you will be re-directed to other screen which asks for username.
It will take the operator email Id to send the link. but before that, you need to configure the email account to trigger the email.
Customize web-login page and use oAuth for an alternative.
Please go through the below post for workaround:
Hi Naveen, I have configured Email Account, I don't need OTP to be sent to my email, instead i need a link, which redirects me to a screen where i can reset my password. I'm talking about the same functionality that was used to reset the password for Pega PDN account.
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