Convert to CSV - embedded properties
I am required to create a csv extract for which i am using the OOTB activity "pxConvertToCSV".
This activity uses page list property as a param to convert the pagelist to a csv file.
I am using a report definition to get the list of values that is to be converted to CSV. However in the report definition i have a Declarative Index Join defined in the data access tab. Hence the pxResults for the report difinition has a page structure with embedded properties as below.
>> pxPages(Index).Property1
so as params for the ootb activity pxConvertToCSV I am giving the names of property and i am also including the embedded property as it shows in the clipboard (pxPages(Index).Property1). But it is throwing an error which says "Invalid Param - Property cant be subscripted"
Although i am able to get the csv string for those embedded properties individually using pxDataManipulate.pxConvertoCSVString which is another function.
But i dunno how to include this csv string into the CSV extracted file.
Is there any way or should i include it in the JAVA code of the pxConvertToCSV activity.
Please help me with this. If i have to include in the JAVA tell me how.