
Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE (DTSE)
Last activity: 9 Aug 2018 2:53 EDT
Parameter in Split Join shape not shown - rule pzRuleCallParamsPreProcessing
I have following setup where i use a split join shape in a flow, but the parameters of the called flow are not shown in the configuration dialog of the split join shape. The Pega version is 7.2.2.
1. Work class with process flow A: Here the process flow B is called on an embedded page, which definition is a data class
2. data class with process flow B: Here a process flow C is called on the same page / data class
3. dataclass with process flow C: Here i am using the split join shape to call process flow D and F on the same page / data class
process flow F have parameters, which are not shown in the configuration dialog for the split join shape. I can see that the related section for the parameters is present on the configuration dialog, but it is empty. I guess the HTML in section pzRuleCallParamsPreProcessing is not delivering the parameters from flow F.
Have someone an idea, what could be the reason for this? Maybe it is an issue in the HTML logic of the named section?
Thanks in advance, Matthias
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***