Runtime has stopped working
Hi ALl ,
I am facing the same issue .
My RPA solution works for some 10-20 cases and then runtime crashes .
Need immediate help .
Sahil bhandari
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Hi ALl ,
I am facing the same issue .
My RPA solution works for some 10-20 cases and then runtime crashes .
Need immediate help .
Sahil bhandari
Hi Sahil,
Could you please check the Runtime logs for the error.
Also could you also monitor the cpu usage while this happens.
Make sure you are not looping back on yourself. Use ForLoops instead.
May be use pause for each iteration. Some times if runtime is faster and application is slow then it will crash and vice versa.
Have you had any luck resolving the issue? One other possibility that I just now remembered is that C# on which Pega Robotics is based has a minor deficiency in the way it does garbage collection. I had one case I resolved by added a call to do .NET Garbage Collection (GC).
Hi BalajiS0922
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