Invalid Invalid datetime format/Invalid datetime error received when operator is in Canadian timezone...
When an operator has a Canadian timezone, and we attempt to map a service response, which contains a date, we receive the following error:
Invalid datetime format/Invalid datetime for '20180227T000000.000 PST (CA)'.
Note, that this is only reproducable on US based machines, as several offshore team members are unable to replicate on their systems.
This is an expression which causes this according to the tracer:
@DateTime.FormatDateTime(@(Pega-RULES:String).substring(.orderDate, 0, 4) +@(Pega-RULES:String).substring(.orderDate, 5, 7) +@(Pega-RULES:String).substring(.orderDate, 8, 10) +"T080000.000 GMT",null,null,null)
Could use some pointers, if anyone knows what may be causing this.