
Raytheon Technologies
Last activity: 15 Jun 2018 3:24 EDT
Create PDF results in blank PDF file
I'm using a Create PDF smart shape in Pega 7.3.0.
When I run the case within Designer Studio it works (the formatting needs a lot of work but the data is there). However, when I run the case in the "Case Default" portal, the PDF that gets generated is blank. How do I fix this problem?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-57276 PDF is generated with blank values in a case was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.

Raytheon Technologies
I found that it is working in the Case Manager portal also. Still don't understand why it wouldn't work in the Case Default portal.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi ,
Please raise an SR for this it need further investigation or you can also check the HTMl stream passed to the utility from the tacer by tracing the HTMLTOPDF activity (@baseclass).

IP australia
We are also experiencing the same issue. Raised SR-C19888 with pega support. Waiting for updates.

Pegasystems Inc.
I see that SR-C19888 was resolved by implementing a few changes at the skin level that was customized. Please let us know for any updates.

Hi Lochan,
Can you please let me know what changes done as i am also facing the same issue?

Pegasystems Inc.
The customization performed on the skin level were tweaked to resolve the issue. We are not privy to the details on the exact customization performed as that information is probably internal to @DIVAKARJEY12's environment.

IP australia
Hi Lochan,
We created a custom harness and referred the section in there. Now for case manager the pdf has the correct values but for case worker the pdf is still getting generated as blank.
Updated: 26 Apr 2018 6:17 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for the update. I see that you have re-opened the SR.

Don't know if this is a case here but with that title it might help people. We tried to call generate PDF activity behind the flow utility from a button on the screen and we also got a blank pdf generated. We found out that it was because we called the activity in a refresh section, this in a way broke the html generation that is done before HTMLtoPDF activity. We used the action Run activity, then refrehs section and it worked, pdf was added to attachments.
Hope it helps anyone

IP australia
As far as our scenario is concerned we used the OOTB create pdf smart shape in the flow. The pdf was getting generated by the styles were not proper and we would see a grey background with text hidden below it. We then create d a seperate harness and just referenced the section and created a new activity to pass the harness as parameter. Then it was able to display the pdf.
When it was worked by the case manager the pdf was ok but when it was generated as a case worker the pdf was blank. We traced it and saw that the markup text was also different for both users. Not sure why
Bob Kang

Pegasystems Inc.
Running PEGA 7.3.1, I came across the same behaviour this week and tried to narrow it down - only cases run by Admin or Manager resulted in a good PDF. Blank PDFs were actually smaller in size so I ruled out any layering as the content doesn't seem to be there.
After reading this post I tried to exclude any 'custom' factors. I created a simple one step application using the standard theme in Express/DesignerStudio. The app uses the OOTB create pdf smart shape and a single field for 'reporting'. The PDF contains a single section with a paragraph in a dynamic layout - nothing else.
- Creating cases from Designer Studio with users Admin, Author resulted in a populated PDF.
- Creating cases from Case Manager with users Admin, Manager resulted in a populated PDF.
- Creating cases from Express with users Admin, Author resulted in a blank PDF.
- Creating cases from Case Worker with users Admin, User, Author resulted in blank PDF.
For now my conclusion is that it works from Designer Studio or Case Manager regardless of user authorization or any other 'custom' parameter.

IP australia
that is my understanding as well. I added a pega sysadmin role to the Case worker and tried with all the access configured. Still the same issue happened from the case worker portal.

Pegasystems Inc.
So it seems to be influenced by the portal (i.e. CaseWorker vs CaseManager) that the activity is triggered from.

Hi All,
I recently faced this issue and below are the 2 feasable options. Please try.
Modified DATA-PORTAL pyCaseWorker section. Inside this, Dynamic Container is present. this container will load pyCWPortalContent harness.
Change this dynamic container properties. As of now, it is a single document mode dynamic container. Change it to multi document container(drag new dynamic container and do the same configuration and select multi document with 2 tabs.)
With this change, you will be able to see pdf document content. But, this will not work if you are not using latest version of chrome.
Option 2:
For the same Dynamic container layout properties (single document), Untick Render as single page option in Layout properties.
This will make the pdf content visible. But, on case worker portal, for every submit happened, it will refresh the whole portal instead of only work area.
Please try appropriate approach and let us know

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Hareesh,
Thank you for the suggestions. I followed option two in my clean test application, with success.
Case Worker worked but not Express - I guess there is a different section used.
Unfortunately, it did not successfully work in my other application. I tried Case Worker and Mobile for the last step prior pdf generation.

IP australia
The below local-change will resolve the case worker pdf blank issue.
Local-change: open pyAttachAsPDF activity [Available]
Add the first step Call pzSetUITemplateStatus
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the corresponding SR, we see that it has been resolved. SA-57276 PDF is generated with blank values in a case was created as a result of the investigation. Please reference that if you have the same question.

BPM Company
I'm facing the exact same issue as dunks described but then on 7.4.0 cloud and raised SR-C40011. The resolution as described on doesn't help. However, adjusting pyCaseWorker (both options) and adjusting pyAttachAsPDF help out, thanks!